This is a little project I am working on for learning purposes.

Go to my github site for more features, as running from an embed, like here on itch, prevents sharing tab audio and popups:


  • Highly customizable presets
  • File, mic, and tab inputs Only file and mic work. Permissions denied on itch
  • Option to animate in popup Permissions denied on itch
  • Preset saving as text. Share your creations in the comments!


  • Limited testing on mobile
  • Audio from tab sharing is unsupported on non-chromium browsers

To Do:

  • Way more animation styles!
  • Layering presets (eventually)


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Go to my github site for the latest version. Window share and picture-in-picture don't work here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I may try to fix it eventually, but it's not priority